Andriod Development

Sometime things are so easy to do that you never expect them to be that easy. Been a developer I thought to learn Mobile Development, or rather I should say extend my knowledge to new mobile like iPhone or Andriod. I can already do Win Phone software development. Anyways, I was just getting lazy to do it thought it is lot of work. But then one day I just search on Youtube for Andriod Mobile Apps, and found few 10-15min “Hello world” tutorial. Wola !!! those tutorial just ask you to download same stuff as in Google Andriod SDK site. i.e. Eclipse [I already had that ], PDT for eclipse, SDK, Java SDK what else, well nothing. Google SDK install some API etc to finish it off.

Once I have all these things ready it took 2-3 minute to launch my hello world Andriod application. Later I spent 30 more minute to try to attach button and textfield to application. All was great. Just cannot wait to find more time to build something real cool. But currently experiementing with SQLite database. another project another story.