Category: Database

  • MySQL WorkBench : New GUI

    I was looking at and found a new GUI, which came as replacement of old MYSQL administrative GUI. My impression was not good to learn that they have something new, as I thought it might be just that they get their old interface opensourced or something. But when I install this application, hmm ..…

  • Pagination Query for SQL Server

    In recent past, we got few problem when we need to do Pagination with SQL Server. I specially got frustrated when I saw that MySQL server has “limit” word that does pagination work in MySQL in best known manner for me, BUT microsoft didn’t consider that option yet. But today I found a method for…

  • MySQL “Server has gone away” error

    A useful like to know the reason of “Server has gone away” error of MySQL. It has very good information on why it happens, so you can check and correct the error.

  • Comparing Date Range (Date Interaction checking through SQL)

    As title says, I was looking to compare User give date range with date range saved in mysql Database. I search internet and found a great  small function that solve this problem for me, though they create a function for some programming language but I use same function in mysql (as per mysql syntax) and…

  • Creating SQL Table from another table

    Often we need to take quick backup of database with data before we can make changes in table. for this I create the image of table within same database, as it is the fastest method. It is one of the reason why one need to create image a table.. or copy one table from another.…

  • Setting/Resetting Auto increment value in MSSQL 2005

    Once you create a table and what to reset autoincrement value of a table to your desire number, you need to set some system table values, which are not available for direct editing. To perform this you need to do following: SELECT OBJECT_ID,OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS TABLENAME, NAME AS COLUMNNAME, SEED_VALUE, INCREMENT_VALUE, LAST_VALUE, IS_NOT_FOR_REPLICATION FROM SYS.IDENTITY_COLUMNS ORDER…