Elinks : Text based web browser

Wayback in 2000 why I first take a look at Linux OS I wasn’t sure what it is, for me its just a part of my computer course. There I learn RedHat 6.2 Linux and few software I take a look there are vi, pico, lynx. Lynx is Text Based web browser i used I wonder why one need text based browser when we have Internet explorer for windows and some GUI brower like Mozilla for Linux.

But after 5-6 year I get my answer. Now I need a better browser for my requirement since lynx is just a very basic browser and i know it from long time so I need another one for my requirement, just for sack of using new browser. And soon my search ends with Elinks (http://elinks.or.cz ).

It has cool interface (yes even on Black/white telnet window, it has popup menus and stuffs, just a great browser for black and white world of Linux Administrators…

Have a look at it, though it comes with my CentOs 3 and I am happy to get it there without any trouble :o)

Sumit Gupta