What is a computer?

Very interesting question..isn’t it. Well I read few defination and most of them try to define its hardware saying its an electronic device(my Television is electronic device, is that computer?). Some also define computer as processing machine, that take inputs and do that output after processing..(my wheat grinder machine does that too, is that computer ?).

Though I am very satisfied with these defination of computer of until one day, one small kid ask me, if computer is sitting on your Desk (referring desktop PC on side table),  then what is on your laps( referring laptop of his dad, on which  I was working at that time.). Well here I try to answer that question:

Computer is something that computes. Well what a short good answer, so calculator is a computer.. well certainly it is a computer. Computer is not a name of device or object. It infact refers to a real world object, that is use to do computation. Computation can be done in any form, a machine that process an image, like photo copier has a computer in it. it can be used to track location/geographical area, such as GPS in your Car.

So I all computer is not more then a small Processor in your desktop or Laptop or calculator.. that does the computation, all device that are build around it has their own name, but they are not computer, but “extension of computer” ..

Hope this theory is of some interest, but I am still searching what is computer…Please let me find it..