Category: Programming

  • ffmpeg : Video Converter for Linux and Windows

    Now a days we often visit a website that display some ad video or some profile video. Most of those are created using camcoders, professional video studio. But those formats are very heavy in Size (storage) to be used on web interface. Therefore as developer you often reach a stage where you need to convert…

  • Setting/Resetting Auto increment value in MSSQL 2005

    Once you create a table and what to reset autoincrement value of a table to your desire number, you need to set some system table values, which are not available for direct editing. To perform this you need to do following: SELECT OBJECT_ID,OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS TABLENAME, NAME AS COLUMNNAME, SEED_VALUE, INCREMENT_VALUE, LAST_VALUE, IS_NOT_FOR_REPLICATION FROM SYS.IDENTITY_COLUMNS ORDER…

  • POP3 Mail accessing with SSL

    I have lately create an class in PHP 4 to connect and do POP3 mailbox handling. However, that class is not able to utilize the SSL connection and hence it fails when I have to access my Gmail (Now Google Mail ) account which use SSL connection for the purpose. For this I found another…

  • Calculating distance

    With increasing use of Map service such as google, yahoo and MSN one often need to calculate distance between two location. This can be done many ways I suppose. However, to calculate the short distance we can perform calculation based on longitude and latitude values of those two location.  However, it is simply a math…

  • XML-RPC client Class for PHP

    I was looking to various classes available on net, just to learn something new and found this one really good to make a script that can work as XML-RPC client. You can use this XML-RPC client for, other blogging software, XML-RPC call or virtually to any XML-RPC server call. I use this…

  • Web Application Security Comparision: MS vs OSS

    Just thinking on security concern my client always have with their web application. And they do tell me that they read open source software is better then Microsoft as they are free and less buggies as compare to microsoft. In this article I am going to put some important point that I tell them, don’t…

  • Web server Vs Streaming Server

    This is best comparision and explaination for the term. Often people get confusion on WebServer and Streaming Server. Hope this article from microsoft help them a Must article for web developers, irrespective of their programming language.